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We have quite the line up for your new or beginner student for those who want to get ahead this summer. This is also the perfect time to try a new hobby without the commitment of the full school year.

Mini Nutcracker Camp: for ages 3-5
Camp specially-made for little ones. Bring your beach blanket, lunch and any workout/dance clothes to have fun. Learn basic dance and music lessons along with arts & crafts.

Nutcracker Workshop: for ages 6-16
This camp is for those who have been a part of a production before and for those who want to advance their chance for a different role! We will study the story of the classical ballet, the many casting roles available, the Tchaikovsky music score, and how to be the most successful during an audition with a mock tryout!

All camps will include a field trip to a theatre in San Antonio to get back-stage and see what goes into making a show.

*To Bring A Friend* must be a new student to the school.
*Summer training is contingent upon enrollment. If required enrollment is not reached, all funds paid will be transferred to Nutcracker performance balance.